Elected Officers

President: Georgia Dewey
1st Term

The President shall preside over meetings and assemblies of the organization as sees fit. He or she shall review and understand the organization’s constitution and by-laws as well as the University policies. He or she shall act as the representative of the organization to the university, administration, public, and to the athletic training room staff. He or she will maintain contact with and solicit advice from the athletic training staff and faculty. He or she approves the appropriate actions for collection and disbursement made by the Treasurer. Finally, he or she will keep accurate and complete records of actions taken during the term of office and submits a report of these developments at the end of the term to the administrative representative.

Vice President: Whitney Laurent
1st Term

The Vice President shall perform duties entrusted by the President or all of his or her duties in absence, in case of the President’s inability to carry out the duties of the office. He or she should maintain the duties of the President should the officer be impeached by the organization.

Secretary: Briclyn Collier
1st Term

The Secretary shall keep a record of all meetings and make them available to all members, officers, and advisors as needed. He or she is responsible for taking roll at each meeting. He or she is responsible for maintaining correct and updated list of members in bad standing. He or she shall also play a key role in the preparation of all advertising events related to Alpha Tau Sigma. _________________________________________________________

Treasurer: Josh Paul
1st Term

The Treasurer will prepare a budget for the organization, which includes all revenues and expenses of the organization during the next academic year. He or she is responsible for collecting dues from each member as well as assessing late fees to members who do not pay dues in a timely manner. He or she will maintain the checkbook and accounts of the organization, and approve and sign off any expenditures of the organization.

Historian: Simone Mayer
1st Term

The Historian should be able to present Alpha Tau Sigma’s history upon request. He or she should take photographs at all ATS events and activities, and correctly label the photos with the name of the event, date, participant(s) names, etc. He or she shall prepare and present page(s) for ATS to the Louisiana State University yearbook (if applicable). Finally, he or she shall maintain the applicable ATS websites throughout the entire term.