Hometown: New City, New York
Clinical Experience:
Women's Soccer 2014-2015
Men's and Women's Swimming and Diving 2015-2016
Football 2016-2017
Career Goals: After I graduate from LSU and become a certified athletic trainer, I plan to go graduate school and get my master's degree. I would ultimately like to work with baseball or football in either a collegiate or professional setting
Email: oblach1@lsu.edu
Kacey Calabro
Hometown: Byron, Illinois
Clinical Experience:
Softball 2014-2015
Central High School 2015-2016
Football 2016-2017
Career Goals:
My goal is to graduate from LSU with my Bachelor's degree. After obtaining that, I plan to go to graduate school to receive my masters degree. I aspire to work in the collegiate or professional level with either football or basketball.
Email: kcalab2@lsu.edu
Briclyn Collier
Hometown: Baton Rouge, LA
Clinical Experience:
Men and Women's Track and Field and Cross Country 2014-2015
Football 2015-2016
Dutchtown High School 2016-2017
Career Goals:
After receiving my BS in Athletic Training from LSU and becoming a Certified Athletic Trainer, I plan to continue my education. Ultimately, I would like to receive a Master's degree in Exercise Physiology: Strength and Conditioning/ Fitness. I wish to work with the military or in a collegiate setting with gymnastics, baseball, or football team.
Email: bcoll38@tigers.lsu.edu
Georgia Dewey
Hometown: Jackson, MS
Clinical Experience:
Women's Basketball 2014-2015
Dutchtown High School 2015-2016
Football 2016-2017
Career Goals:
Once I graduate from LSU, I plan on becoming a Certified Athletic Trainer. After which, I plan on attending graduate school and obtaining a Master's degree in either Athletic Training or a related science. I then plan to begin a career related to either high school, college, or professional sports.
Email: gdewey1@lsu.edu
Brandon Fresina
Hometown: Baton Rouge, LA
Clinical Experience:
Football 2014-2015
Baseball 2015-2016
Central High School 2016-2017
Career Goals:
After I obtain my undergraduate degree from LSU, I would like to continue my education and work towards a Master's Degree. After receiving my Master's, I would then like to work for a collegiate baseball or football team.
Email: bfresi3@lsu.edu
Spencer Jennings
Hometown: Franklinton, LA
Clinical Experience:
Football 2014-2015
Catholic High School 2015-2016
Gymnastics 2016-2017
Career Goals:
Upon obtaining my B.S. in Athletic Training from LSU, I plan to become a Certified Athletic Trainer and work as a graduate assistant while pursuing my Master's Degree. I hope to one day become an Athletic Trainer for a professional or Division 1 baseball or football team.
Email: sjenni4@lsu.edu
Brandi Johnson
Hometown: Paulina, LA
Clinical Experience:
Football 2014-2015
UHigh 2015-2016
Sand Volleyball 2016-2017
Career Goals:
After graduating from LSU, I plan on becoming a Certified Athletic Trainer and attending graduate school to receive my Master's Degree. I would then love to work with a softball team in a collegiate or professional setting.
Email: bjoh162@tigers.lsu.edu
Whitney Laurent
Hometown: Saint Petersburg, FL
Clinical Experience:
Dutchtown High School 2014-2015
Baseball 2015-2016
Men's Tennis 2016-2017
Career Goals:
Upon graduating from LSU's Undergraduate program, I plan on becoming a certified Athletic Trainer and attend graduate school in another state. After completing my degrees, I would like to work with collegiate athletes or in a non traditional setting but still as an athletic trainer.
Email: wlaure2@lsu.edu
Simone Mayer
Hometown: New Orleans, LA
Clinical Experience:
Football 2014-2015
Episcopal High School 2015-2016
Soccer 2016-2017
Career Goals:
Once I complete the undergraduate program at LSU and become a Certified Athletic Trainer, I plan to attend graduate school to earn my Master's Degree. In the future, I would like to work in the high school or collegiate setting.
Email: smayer5@lsu.edu
Joshua Paul
Hometown: Lake Jackson, TX
Clinical Experience:
Catholic High School 2014-2015
Football 2015-2016
Baseball 2016-2017
Career Goals:
After graduating from LSU and becoming a Certified Athletic Trainer, I plan to attend a graduate school and obtain a Master's Degree. I would like to work with either a college or professional sports team.
Email: jpaul12@lsu.edu
Dominique Richard
Hometown: Zachary, LA
Clinical Experience:
Football 2014-2015
Track and Field 2015-2016
Softball 2016-2017
Career Goals:
Upon graduating from LSU, I plan to become a Certified Athletic Trainer. I would then like to pursue a doctorate degree in physical therapy. Ultimately, I wish to work with a basketball team in a collegiate or professional setting or at a clinic.
Email: drich66@lsu.edu